Flowers and Butterfly

About Adam’s Apple Games.

We are humans, then gamers, then game designers, and finally game publishers. If that balance is upset, then so are we. We love to create experiences. We are not afraid of weird. We strive to build things that bring fun into the world.

A simple equation that explains our philosophy to creating a great game. 

Fun = Immersion + Tension + Interaction. 

  • Our themes will surround you, helping you learn the game without getting in the way of having fun. 
  • Our mechanics will surprise you because we don’t settle for “what worked in the past”. 
  • Our games will be the ones you reach for because the learning curve is short, smooth, and satisfying.

We crowdfund many of our games because they are so unique and need to be “market tested” to reduce our risk.  We also cater to retailers via demo events, promo kits, international tabletop day and more!  

Who Are We?

Adam adam pictureis a craft beer loving, dog walking, and nonsense plotting gamer and designer. He founded Adam’s Apple Games looking to turn something he loves into something he can share with others.  Adam’s super power is debating an unclear game rule and forcing the table to read it verbatim from the rulebook testing its interpretation and correctness.

(… okay, maybe not a super power.)


Chris 0is an indie evangelizing, family prioritizing, optimistic gamer and designer. He joined Adam’s Apple Games shortly after it was founded and is a devious tinkerer behind many of the product design ideas that come through AAG.  Chris’ super power are rolling exactly what he needs the roll after he needs it, playing devil’s advocate, and taking the time to read the rule book.

How do we get connected?

Contact Information:

We’re based out of Hopkins, MN.

