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One Board Game Publisher’s Annual Survey Results – 2024 Read More »
Four Humours: An experiment on your board gamer personality Read More »
Should you delay your kickstarter? When I woke up today and read my inbox, there was a message from my manufacturer with a new quote attached. The cost of the game went way up. I’m still trying to understand the reason for this. After a few hours, I decided to push out the Thrive Kickstarter …
I love building things so engine-builder games generally leave me very satisfied. I’m currently designing an engine-builder called Brewin’ USA: Taproom Takeover. Since I’ve been playing a lot of these games, I am writing down some thoughts on favorite and popular games with this mechanic. I plan to start a design diary on Taproom Takeover so constructuing an informed written opinion will be helpful to me. I hope it’s helpful to you as well if you’re going to design an Engine-Builder game.
Gen Con is a massive board game trade show that flaunts all the hot new releases and big industry names. It’s so massive that it’s easy to get lost in all the things. You’ll find a lot of advice on “How to do Gen Con” right. Instead of rehashing that, I figured I could add some value by reflecting about Gen Con as a consumer, designer, and exhibitor.
We’re launching a new podcast called Print It and Ship It to document the journey of Adam’s Apple Games as board game designers, self-publishers, and publishers. Our content focuses on three things. Print It and Ship It Content Focus: Real-time decisions leading to Printing and Shipping our line of games. Connect with other industry self-publishers, …
Swordcrafters – Sharpening the Design – Live on Kickstarter now! See Swordcrafters Designer Diary Part 2 if you want to read about the Ideation and Iteration process. The first time we played Swordcrafters, it was already a magical experience and I knew I had something special. It also had its problems. For starters, the score …
Truck Off is a lightweight card game with some bite, that captures the chaotic nature of the food trucking business. Your job will be to send out a team of food trucks trying land a sweet parking space at a lucrative venue. However, your opponents will be looking for the perfect opportunity to get you to “Truck Off.” You will need to set a strategic game plan with both timing and tactical execution if you want to succeed in this Food Truck Frenzy! Check out the free PnP inside.
Since my first crack as a product vendor at Con of the North 2016, I’ve finally gotten a chance to write down my thoughts on the show. Based on our preparations, I was pretty well prepared and staffed for demos and sales. There were a few things we took advantage of and a few points to improve on.
I recently attended my first Protospiel in Madison, WI. The event was a great environment for somebody looking to find players to test and hone their board games. I was pretty surprised to see a lot of wasted time at this event including some of my own time. I jotted down a few notes on how to maximize your valuable time during a Protospiel.
It’s interesting to think about where ideas come from. In a creative field, ideas are a valuable form of currency. Having ideas and knowing which to pursue are just as important to creative success, but what happens if you run out of ideas? Read more about the game design ideation process that often delivers the most bang for me.
Print It and Ship It Podcast
A podcast about self-publishing, publishing, and board game design!